Monday, October 29, 2007

You want a rant? I'll give you a rant!

I hate it when people won't just put their foot down... on either side of the line. You can't straddle the line forever.

You are either with me or against me, it's that easy, you aren't half with me, you are kinda with you, you are all with me or all against me.

Some moron walks up and starts talking to me like we're friends, we aren't friends... we aren't friends at all. I don't want him talking to me, I don't want to acknowledge his existence. He's cretin. And either you agree with me and don't like him too, or you can pick him over me, that's your choice, but you don't get to have both.

You can't be my friend and be the friend of the person I hate.

But it seems like everyone wants to straddle that line. Tell me this... when they all graduate next year and you are looking for someone to live with... where are your friends going to be? Who knows I'm not one of them. You chose them over me, you wanted to belong so you looked past the faults, you didn't want to lose any connections so you make excuses for their wrongdoings, you know them better than me so you are willing to be their friend instead of mine, even though you don't agree with anything they do or say or the way they act.

Explain that to me geniuses? Explain that you freakin private school kids? Where is the logic in that? This isn't a "Jesus ministered to the corrupt" situation, because you aren't trying to show him Christ, you just aren't willing to leave a ghost town. Everyone else already moved on, but you think it matters, you hold to it like it's all you've got, you could move on, belong to something new.

I'm so sick of this, he's a stalker, "yeah but, that's not that bad, lots of guys are like that..." No they aren't you moron, that isn't acceptable... why do you let believe him over me? YOU ARE A MORON

You all seem to believe him over me, what a suicidal idiot claims you believe like there is no other truth...

I'm tired of all of you.