Monday, August 21, 2006

Still Packing

So I managed to get all my clothing packed away. It's already in the bag, zipped up, and ready to be carried to the car.

I limited myself to only 1 storage tub of misc items to take with me, and I finished that.

All thats left to do is my computer, I don't want to tear it down until I'm ready to leave, I want to be able to play with it tonight at least. I'm not ready to feel like I'm apart of the stone age quite yet.

I'm excited to get back to Oregon.

I guess I'll leave it at that,

good night, everybody

Friday, August 18, 2006

Express Packing

So, I drove with my mother to Boise today and went to the mall and got clothes.

So now I have to begin packing my clothes, time to get ready to go to Fox.

I'm not taking as much stuff with me this year as I have previously, I want to keep it simply to my clothes, my computers, and a few misc (books, DVDs, PC Games).

I don't care what happens, I'm getting a bottom bed. I don't sleep on top.

Packing is a hassle, a big one. Packing to go home was awesome because Sarah helped me. But packing to go is a waste of time, and the process of beginning to pack has me wanting to leave for Oregon early. Once I have everything ready to go, it will be hard to motivate myself to stay.

And since my sister cluttered up the room with useless furniture it's an even bigger hassle that last year.

I hate my sister. She ran over my clothes bag and ripped one of the wheels off and a hole in it... so now I need to find another bag. Stupid girl.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Time to Start the Pickup and Packup

First off, packing isn't going to be as fun without you, Sarah.

So, today was my last day of driving this year. I got the first load of Haylage in the spring and the last load in the summer... la-dee-frickin-da.

But until the day I leave, it's maintenance time! We have to clean/mechanic the trucks to peak physical condition before corn season. You get to be a mechanic for a couple weeks, Andy!

I have to decide what is worth taking back to Portland with me. I am taking clothes, my computer, and 1, count em 1, box of miscellaneous crap, no more 4 crates of junk.

My fridge, microwave, TV, XBOX, and all my movies are already at Craig's apartment, I'm going to ask him about that La-Z-Boy when we move over the fridge and stuff.

It's time that I need to start packing stuff up, but at the same time I can't leave for 5 days, so I can't motivate myself to do anything.

I'll just be lucky if I get all my Fox paperwork done before the 26th, they keep sending me more and more stuff to sign.

I should pack just in case something comes up and I can take off a little earlier... Don't hurt to hope.

Have a good day.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Okay, so...

My first day back at home. I woke up and talked to the most beautiful girl in the world. Then I wandered over to my computer, played WoW for a few hours, talked to Sarah again, did my usual rounds over various websites, went downstairs and watched a movie, and now I'm back here...

I'm super tired, my head hurts, I haven't eaten yet today, and my ear is still plugged from swimming a few days ago. And in less than 12 hours I'll be getting ready for work. Frick I hate work.

So, I dislike the summer now. Have for as long as I can remember having to work. 5th grade. I want to go back to 5th grade and do it all over again, think of all the mistakes I won't make. It's like playing a game a for the first time and when you play again you know exactly what to do.

I feel so mediocre here.

Nick's going to run me through Deadmines... later.