Wednesday, June 28, 2006

How nice of the Lincoln County Sherriff's Department to pay for my bodywork...

So I was sitting in the parking lot of Garibaldi's (A Mexican Restaurant) in Jerome, there was 3 other cars in the lot, a new blue Ford Explorer, a new white Subaru GTS wagon, and an old Chevy Cargo Van.

I was meeting my dad there for lunch.

I was a few minutes early so I was just sitting with the AC on, talking to Sarah, generally enjoying myself. And BAM! That oh so familiar crunch of sheet metal getting dented in reached my ears. And my initial reaction (expected from those that know me) was "No, the Subaru wagon killed another one! NOOOOO!" But WAIT! It was the new Explorer... and in big lettering on the side reads, Lincoln County Sherriff.

And so once again in a "Such is my life" moment. I had to go through the now common to me process of giving them my information and being nice to the guy that just crunched my car.

But as you knew, my front bumper on the Integra had some paint blemishes... so now they will be fixed and the cops are out hundreds of dollars, it's like CHRISTMAS!

I have a couple more photos, but I think these do enough justice on their own. So in summation:

Thank you Lincoln County Sherriff's Department for Pimping My Ride.

Douche bags.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Tokyo Drift?

Is it some special kind of drifting? Some sneaky, underhanded, drift through a rice paddy to take the lead move?

No, it's a movie... the 3rd installment of the Fast and the Furious series, and easily the best of the three.

One thing that made me happy about this movie, they rarely showed the speedometer, well relatively compared to the others, it didn't show the cars screaming along in 6th gear going 40 miles an hour like in the first 2 movies.

The main character was stronger, more likeable, the way a hero should be. Cocky but understanding his strengths, but once angered he was balls to the walls no matter if he could win or not.

And I left that movie with a smile. When I heard that he put a Nissan engine into the Mustang before I went and saw the movie, I was furious. It's part of the Stock Rocket Jockey that I am, no matter how much a car is modified, no matter how fast it is, I still want to see matching brand emblems on the body and the block.(I like saying "My Honda beat the crap out of your car." Not, "My Ford-Nissan beat the crap out of your car." It just breeds confusion.) But then, as I sit in the theatre, glued to the screen, and watch as they are just scrambling to get it working (though I prefer a good paint job, it wasn't necessary in the fix-up process of the fastback) I no longer harbored resentment, because in a similar situation, I would find myself alot more open to suggestion, you know?

And God be praised it had a storyline. Straight, simple, uncomplicated, and entertaining.

I'm finally ready to buy a Fast and the Furious movie.

So now I am re-enthused about automobiles. Wishing life were so simple I could move away and just live... minimum wage, month to month, and own my dreamcar. In the end I would be unhappy but for a long while I would be on cloud 9, living my dream.

But maybe in the future, maybe I'll be able to gain what I want in the years to come, only 3 years until I'm out of school. Than I could get a steady job, steady income, and I could buy a car and invest in it, making it steadily more awesome.

Dreams... how can those without them survive? How do people without aspiration or ambition survive?

When I think of myself and the people I consider friends (The Lima-Bean Rocketeer and Andy)
I think, I myself look to be without drive or ambition, because I don't put time or money into what I have, though what I am doing is biding my time, 3 years and I'll be making money, I can support myself.
Nick, what can you say about the boy, an automotive Genius, he has something that you can never learn - Pure, God-given talent. He can drive anything, I've seen it.
Andy. Andy has a good bit of natural talent, but what makes him stand out is his intelligence. When he drives he knows what he's doing because he has already thought out what needs to happen.

And me... I'm the sidekick. I'm the reliable friend. I'm the kid that is going to go big with them. Someday...

Because you know what? Racing on a track... lame. Just keep running the oval, keep steering around the cones... The rush doesn't exist there.

The night Nick chased down those kids in that Accord with a full car of people... that was the night that I knew that anything Nick wants to move - MOVES, and FAST.

Andy, Andy doesn't do driving that often, but Andy is the guy that steps into a car for the first time and knows enough about that car and what he needs to do... that it happens.

And I'm the one that give them rides. Awesome by association.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

The Bored Feeling Continues

So the boredom is directly related to the fact that I have no direction in life, or a direction with no destination. I'm wandering and that annoys me. I want to have it figured out and just run headlong in that direction, but I can't...

I can't even make up my mind about what kind of car I want...

CRX or Civic? 240SX or 300ZX? Corolla or Supra(I know, I know, kind of a lofty hope)? Or maybe I want something completely different, like get a 180SX through an auction company in Japan and get it shipped over.

There's so much stuff that I can't figure out. That I'm not in the right location to figure out... I wonder if I'll ever be.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Boredom among nothing else...

I am really bored right now. Like this undeniable, I have never, will never complete anything kind of boredom.

Where you want to be doing something but aren't sure what and everything suggested sounds lame. I can't think of anything I can do that won't make me feel even worse about my current predicament, at least nothing instantaneous... I wish I could drive to Portland or drive to Visalia or so something fun... Something spontaneous... I never do anything like that anymore. My life is one big reoccuring loop of events. Though sometimes this isn't all bad, like with the clockwork regularity that Sarah calls and rescues me from my dismal state of depressed boredom, that is the only reason I haven't lost my mind, sold my soul (and other various body organs), and run for a Vegas Loanshark so I can borrow a million dollars, buy a fast car, change my name, and drive hellbent for the Mexican Coast. Somewhere down on the Baja Peninsula sounds pleasant.

I just wish I could see my future, see that I won't be a complete screw up... then maybe I wouldn't be this depressed. But sometimes as I sit in this remote part of the country, cut off, for all intents and purposes, I feel like the world is moving on without me. Like while I work here on the surface of the sun, the world is advancing and I'm falling behind.

I've been looking at sand blasters and paint guns, want to start experimenting a bit, do a few small projects... maybe that will hold off the boredom for a time, but when it's hot like this, there isn't much to do but stay inside... so I have to think of something to pass the time.

Have a good day.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

ADHD Error

Whenever I finish a movie, book, story, magazine article, whenever I process any kind of information it stays in my head. I have an amazing memory. I always have, the reason I was able to do quizzing with my brother and the Roache's even though I was technically too young.

The information is always there, I retain everything, it's a matter of finding the right pathway to call the information back to the forefront of my consciousness.

Now, personally I believe that if technology is ever allowed to advance so far (which is only going to be able to happen if companies stop slowing down advancements by obtaining patents they then allow to expire because it's release would mean a decline in the utility of their own product [Ex. Oil Companies]) eventually computers are no longer going to be a physical thing, no that doesn't mean we are going to turn into the Matrix, but in some ways it could be similar.

Imagine, the human brain is the most complex thing in existence. The amount of data stored is astronomical. You could hear a song when you are 12 years old, 12 years later you hear the song again and the verses come without thinking, they just reappear as if by magic. Think of the benefit... with an operating system for the mind you could instantly search, find, and recall any memory, song, movie, book you've ever read/watched/listened to/lived and it would be there.

Games could become as real as the mind could portray them, hackers would simply be the people with the most mental strength or capacity, everyone would be trying to obtain the rainmain because he is the biggest file server in existence.

But with such advancement comes the problems with it, depending on the level of control the computer has on the person's mind, a hacker could steal an identity in entirety, they could steal your very personality. A virus released could devastate millions of minds, leaving large quantities of the earth's population as vegetables, the body survives but the mind is gone.

This was what I thought of today, and it kind of makes me excited to go outside because someday that farm ground may be gone, turned to a labyrinthine suburbia.

But as luck would have it, the operating system wouldn't work for me, I'd probably get an ADHD Error, a conflict error, trying to access too many random things at once.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Dreaming of being alone...

Have you ever had a dream of being alone? I did last night, and it was frickin wierd... oh man... but for now I need to get ready and head to work. Later.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Courage of a Hero

Don't you ever wish you were a hero? Don't you ever dream of it, daydream of it, imagine what it would be like to be a knight, swordsman, mutant, gunslinger, soldier... the typical hero roles?

That seems to be what my thoughts are consumed by lately... though I haven't yet discovered the reason, it's an eerie feeling of knowing you have a purpose but not yet seeing what it is or how to go about fulfilling it.

It's like sitting in a 5 -way fork in the road and waiting for a little direction...