Sunday, March 25, 2007

Idaho Again...

Sarah, I love you. Here's what I did today:

Snake River Canyon (Downriver from Shoshone Falls)

Shoshone Falls, March 2007, low, low water year

Perrine Bridge over the Snake River from a spot down in the canyon next to Centennial Park.

Small waterfall in the Snake River Canyon

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Doctrine, Spoil, Degree, and Break

So, another day of criticism over my class schedule for next spring, mainly that FCSC class. So what if it's a class dealing with Fashion, it's also dealing with Merchandising. Inventory management, product acquisition, and the kind of information that could be an asset to a person with my major, it's always worth the practice.

I got my grade back on my Global Political Economy exam: 90%

And I am finished with my exam in Managerial Accounting, and I feel good about it. It'll be a high B or an A for certain.

So now the only thing left before I can enjoy spring break are 2 class periods (Christian Foundations and Intermediate Photography) and an 8-page research paper on my Denomination's History/Doctrine/and Personal Reflection.

And I have to pack tonight.

And I have to go to Stevens and fill out a housing contract.

And I need to start that paper.

Okay... bye.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Sloshing through...

I've been managing to average about 7 1/2 hours of sleep a night for the last few weeks. That's amazing considering last semester and earlier this semester I was getting between 4 and 5 hours on average.

I have a test and term project bonanza this week. I had a News Journal Due on Monday for Global Political Econ, I have a project due in Photography Thursday that I've already managed to spend 2 hours in the process of and am only 1/3 of the way done, I had an exam in History of the American West, which I completed and passed, and another exam in Managerial Accounting tomorrow morning and an 8 page research paper on my Denomination due in Christian Foundations. So tonight:

  • Take second photo topic. Develop film and print.
  • Study for Accounting Exam, emphasis on Ch. 7, Budgeting.
  • Gather research materials for Research Paper
  • Complete Literature reading and Analysis
  • Read for C.F.
I'll be leaving for home on Saturday morning, around 8:00 A.M. My brother and sister will be flying back in from Italy on Saturday evening, so I'll meet my parents and siblings in Boise, before we drive home.

I'm super ancy to be getting back home for a little bit, it'll be a nice visit.

On another note, I have registered for my classes next fall. I have a few fluff classes, but for the most part, I'm going to have a leisurely semester. In the Fall I am currently signed up for:
  • Management (Taught by Greg Allen)
  • Information Systems (Technology in Business, that'll be a cinch for me)
  • Understanding Jazz (Fills a GEED requirement, and it's flipping easy)
  • Backpacking (To fill my last Health and Human Performance Activity credit)
  • Sociology (To fill my last Social Science requirement)
  • Life of Christ (Which fills my last BIBL credits)
In the Spring I am all Business though:
  • Marketing
  • Financial Management
  • Ethics in Business
  • Fashion Merchandising (Don't laugh, it's going to be easy upper division credits)
  • GEED365 (Juniors Abroad. Either Amsterdam to Paris or Spain to Portugal)
And I'm living in Weesner Village, that's going to be so awesome.

I have Global Political Economy now. I'll talk to you later.

Monday, March 19, 2007

The next step...

I was walking to my room, bag slung on my shoulder, not so heavy, just it hanging about my waist made it noticeable, the way it would sway from side to side while I strode. tap. I listened to the squeak of my left shoe as my heel pressed to the ground and rolled onto the toe. tap. I wasn't thinking anything, just striding, confident in the previous half of my day. tap... tap... tap. I watched the dark spots form intermittently on the asphalt as I walked, staring down at my shoes. tap, tap, tap. As I watched my shoes, white, clean spots started appearing on their tongues. tap tap tap tap. When my foot left the ground it was firmly planted in the dirty pine smell, the smell of drying mud and asphalt, the smell of clouded humidity, but when it landed I was walking down a dusty, rutted road. Pieces of straw blew about me as I walked towards the old green pick-up parked just off the road. Oh the smell, the luxurious smell- never do you notice the smell of dust until you smell it suddenly mix with moisture- as the drop hits the ground, the crater of silt spews out in all directions and smell of water making everything clean drifts to your noise. You revel in it, you clothes your eyes for a minute and you dream of all the wonderful things on this earth, the good things God made, and you are confident that this smell is one of his greatest triumphs. It moves you to the core. You take your next step, your foot, dirty and hot and uncomfortable stomps the ground, sending more silt shooting off like ash from a volcano. The rain runs down the back of your neck, soothing the itch and grime and sweat left by the hay and the dust and the sun. That is the second you realize yourself a poet, a romantic, not one that is published in books or that is heard by people, but in your heart you know that you were created to create. Your heart beats faster to match the rain spattering the ground and the windshield. You feel alive like the roaring, beating engine. You smile at the earth being made clean, the dust becoming a rich brown, the dusty covering washed away to become the most vibrant beautiful colors, and you focus with all your might to embed it in your mind. And you yearn with a hopeful heart that you will have someone to share it with. Can you ever describe it in a way that does it justice? I think not, it's something that you have to see. It's not exotic or rare, at least to some. It's a gorgeous commonality. A perfectly ordinary but wonderful experience. And a place so close to my heart that no matter how many times I am displaced, I will always know home.

As I drove home, the straight, wide, yet somehow spindly, road tosses me, the whimsical boy, to and fro as I lose myself, dreaming of another. I wished I wasn't alone.

My eyes came back into focus at the clicking of the door as I swiped my card. I remembered her, I remembered that day, the thoughts, the feelings, the loneliness. And my mind finds it hard to wrap itself around the concept that she wasn't with me always. Because it feels like she has woven herself into the very memories of myself, down to the deepest level of what makes me... me. And I know that someday, it won't be mere descriptions, she'll experience it with me. The spring time air, the smell of dew on the tall sagebrush as you drive, slowly, through a dark desert morning.

The rush of cool air on a hot face as you drive through rolling fields of lava rock and high desert. The bite of a cool Sawtooth morning. The wind, forcing the tall, yellowed grasses to worship. And all of it with you.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Stress and Joy in Writing.

I finished my research paper for American West about an hour before it had to be turned in, then didn't get a break because I had Literature and Accounting homework to do as well. And that was depressing... I just wanted a break.

I started reading good ol' fantasy again. And Andy's current situation with his wanting to finally write his book has me wanting to start mine again... so I say down, opened that dusty old file from the archives of my PC and read through what I had written in the past... not bad... not very good either.

But I think I'm going to try. I spent 20 or 30 minutes adding stuff to what I already had earlier today, and just generally trying to work out in my mind what more was to come.

Who knows, maybe I'll get somewhere, or maybe I'll get nowhere at all, but it's worth a shot. Books are a nice reprieve from daily life, it's like taking a mental vacation, and if I could give that to one person, even myself, it would be worth it to me to write.

And now I have to work on homework... the never ending grind.