Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The End #2

It's the last week of my second year of college. Think about what I've lived through in the last 2 years. I've met dozens of people, fell in love with friends and THE girl. I've met some amazing people, one I'm sitting next right next to as I type, David Way, a genius, unkempt just like every one before him, with a mind that frankly astounds me, he just... knows everything. David is going to be gone next year, he's done, after 5 years, and I only counting him as a friend for one of them, he's going off to make his mark on the world. Parker is gone, he was only here for a year, probably the best year of my life, and then he was gone. My roommates this year, though at times they have bothered me, I've lived with them, shared 5% of my life with them, 10% if you count last year. Joe is gone now. I have memories of walking into my suite after walking down to her room at night, and even though it was 11, Joe would be there, WoW loaded on his laptop, Fox would be asleep, like always, by this late, but Joe would be there. It was like clockwork. It's like a summer memory, it's a warm memory.

In 3 days, George'll be gone. And that'll be the end of that chapter of my life, the Sutton chapter. Will I see George this much ever again? He was a roommate, quirky, but caring. And the next chapter will start, and to be honest, I'm not sure how it will go. Joe was overly opinionated, George under. It was a weird grouping of people, a thrown together situation because we were the rejects that no one else wanted to live with, so we got together, the way rejects do, and formed something out of nothing.

I've been dating the girl that I'm going to marry for over a year, 15 months now.

Andy and Nick are gone. Back to California, Koda is getting married. Slowly it seems like the fabric of my life is starting to pull apart the seams and separate.

Craig is graduating and going back home, it's like I can start to see the finish line myself and know that I'll have to provide for myself and for her, and there's a lot of growth and understanding that is going to have to happen before then.

Alex was thinking of moving to Arizona, but now he's talking of sticking around and going to PSU. But that was nearly one more relationship gone.

Haskell is living with me next year, Haskell, Chris, and Brian. Three more people I have a chance to know, to get closer to. Life is all about relationships Van Wilder once said, and you know what? That's something worth writing down.

Me and George have been playing WoW, new characters on a new server, but we only play together, we don't play unless we are both on, that way we stick together. And that keeps us accountable, we motivate each, we hang out, we talk. If all relationships in life were as simple and easy as me and George the world would be a happier place.

That's all for now.

Me and George are level 20 Blood Elf Rogues by the way. Very Bad-A.

Monday, April 16, 2007

WoW doesn't wow me, but it's all I got right now...

So, like the title implies, I'm back in it. And it's boring as crap...

Especially since I'm alone.

I started on the Rivendare server. As a human priest named, you guessed it, Exon. I'm glad to be playing a priest again, I like healing people, being part of a community much more than grinding and playing straight through, and this gives me a chance to be in groups and hang around with people. So I'm going to be playing that for a while, not terribly much, but for a while, so if there's anyone out there wanting to try their hand at being a DPS helper or dedicated tank for me... that'd help a ton when there are no groups to be had...

Well that's all I have for now.

Until later...

Thursday, April 12, 2007

From where I'm sittin

Money bothers me.

It does.

I was sitting at my computer for hours last night looking the country over for my dream car, the 1984-1987 Corolla GT-S Hatchback. And it's agonizing. I found a couple of really clean ones, but by the time I have the money they'll be sold.

And it makes me really... uptight about money when stuff like that happens. I don't like not having enough. I don't like not being able to do what I want because I'm lacking.

I'll definitely have that much by the end of the summer, I've been crunching numbers for months while sitting in my classes about all the ways I can earn a little money. It seems so easy. But it's hardly that.

Money is fluid, it's earned almost as fast as it's lost.

I don't have very many liquid assets and that's a little disheartening. I wish there was more than there is.

But I'll try to be content. Today marks the beginning of my saving. My saving for multiple things. No more spending on frivolous things like fast food or DVDs. Just necessities.

And that is that.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

It's all my fault that everyone is poor...

So in my usual style I left a 7 page research paper until the morning it was due and then began feverishly working on it, even having woken up late too, I meant to start at 4:30 am, but wasn't up until 6 am, so that kind of got me nervous, but then after only a few hours working on it, I'm already completed with 4 out of 7, Intro and Conclusion both already completed, I'm just filling in the middle and have nearly half of that done.

I've been playing Ogame.org, it's a text based space exploring online game. And it's a game you can only play every 2 or 3 ours for 10 minutes because you just have to tell it what to set up and where to send your ships and then you have to wait 2 hours for them to get to where they were supposed to go, and that is a little frustrating. If any of you read this and want to play with me, I play on Universe 29.

But other than that, this is the second to last week of school and I'm just cruising steadily along.

I have 4 more photos to take for photography tomorrow evening and I need to develop 2 rolls of film before then as well. But I'll get it all done, no worries.

Until a little later, have fun.

Monday, April 02, 2007

165th Post!

So, Spring Break is over. I made good money over break doing a dirty job. But that's all behind me now. I have class in an hour... how horrible that feels. There's no way I'm ready for classes again already. Break felt as short as a weekend.

I took back a box of stuff, so I have less junk laying around to worry about. I'm probably going to go ahead and box up another portion of it so I have less clutter, it'll make it easier to finish the semester that way.

Roommate woes as always...

But other than that, everything is okay. It was sunny this morning, now it's all overcast and pretty dim.

I have a class in 45 minutes. Then I need to run to the bank and read for History of the American West.

Have a good day everyone.