Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Manic Bi-Polar Depressant

Ok so generally speaking:

If you are ever having a really tough time emotionally and you feel like fuming to me that's awesome, because you trust (or at least like me enough) to tell me your problems, I never had friends like that growing up so its cool having people be open about whats irritating them.

However, if I ever start using humor that is innapropriate or insensitive to the situation I apologize, because humor is my defense mechanism. When humor fails, than comes anger.

I don't mean to be a jerk, I'm usually trying to be careful in the way I phrase things, but I do sometimes get flustered and thats when the meaningless word vomit comes spewing out of my mouth, and I begin talking faster than I can think. Please don't be offended, I honestly feel guilty for days after I upset people like that.

An example of the word vomit:

Sarah, I'm really, really sorry for cussing... I feel so horrible about it...

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