Saturday, January 06, 2007

Belated Resolutions

So I've had a few days after New Years, almost a week, to decide some resolutions.

And I guess these are going to be a little bit more extravagant or unreal than what we've been accustomed to seeing resolutions as: Losing weight, Eating more healthy, Working out more, etc, etc...

Here are a list of mine:

1. Be happy with myself. Stop putting forth unreal expectations.

With that said here's the rest:

2. Draw more, sketch more, pursue the comic book that's been at the back of your skull all these years.

3. Work a little harder on school, less so on WoW / CoH/CoV

4. Be more open to stuff, responsibility is coming on swift wings, you're not going to be 19 forever.

5. Maybe take a break from my computer and read a book once in a while, or a comic book, okay e-books count.

6. Perhaps expand my horizons past cars and computer games. (Warning: Don't get too crazy. Cars and Computers are nice remember, you don't have to if you don't want too, I know you're an extremist... freak.)

7. Spend more time showing Sarah she's the most amazing girl on the planet.

8. Make Haskell and Bohl feel guilty for abandoning their radical anti-girl stances last year for girlfriends this year, and more so for abandoning me in the process (Haskell knows what I mean, in Portland for almost 2 weeks and didn't see him once... NOT EVEN ONCE! Bohl is okay though, he still makes time for friends, I love Bohl, I LOATHE HASKELL)

9. Talk to friends instead of merely nodding recognition at them as I pass by.

10. Stop being such a hermit, I know you, you just want to sit in front of your computer, and guess what, soon, when everyone hates you, you'll have plenty of time for that, so use this time wisely.

11. Hone my force powers beyond Force Speed and Persuasion, there's more to life than outrunning everyone and making everyone think you're awesome. You don't want to sell me deathsticks, you want to go home and rethink your life.

12. More organization, no more writing papers the night before or turning in assignments late. No more staying up all night, I'm not 18 anymore, I can't take that allnighter stuff anymore.

13. Don't be such a prick, everyone already hates you/fears you. Why don't you try to make a new friend, jerk?

14. Don't be so awesome, it makes everyone around you feel insignicant and worthless, tone down the awesome a little, okay?

15. Think of at least 15 new get rich quick schemes and market them on the internet in a book for the low low price of $195.98 (additional tax is buyer is from California).

I'm going to end on 15, because 15 is my favorite number.

So yeah, those are my years goals...

Wow... that's kind of a long list, how am I going to do that, I need to take some of those out... like 13, 13 definitely doesn't need to be there...


simplyhaskell said...

oh, like you didn't "ditch" me for a girl ever.

Whatafreak said...

#5 - You used to read all the time, I know you can do this one easily as long as you stick to #12.

#6 - I can't decide if this one is partially directed at me or not. and I don't think you are extremist so much as sensationalist.

#7 - I think the key word here is "showing", implying "by my actions".

#10 - A hermit, just like Yoda was on Degobah...

#14 - Might as well give up on this one already. It's not possible to accomplish it.

My New Year Resolutions boil down to "Get a job" and "Try not to suck so bad this year", haha.

BrownEyedGirl said...

It was kind of a tool thing to do ditch your friends for a girl...