Sunday, June 04, 2006

ADHD Error

Whenever I finish a movie, book, story, magazine article, whenever I process any kind of information it stays in my head. I have an amazing memory. I always have, the reason I was able to do quizzing with my brother and the Roache's even though I was technically too young.

The information is always there, I retain everything, it's a matter of finding the right pathway to call the information back to the forefront of my consciousness.

Now, personally I believe that if technology is ever allowed to advance so far (which is only going to be able to happen if companies stop slowing down advancements by obtaining patents they then allow to expire because it's release would mean a decline in the utility of their own product [Ex. Oil Companies]) eventually computers are no longer going to be a physical thing, no that doesn't mean we are going to turn into the Matrix, but in some ways it could be similar.

Imagine, the human brain is the most complex thing in existence. The amount of data stored is astronomical. You could hear a song when you are 12 years old, 12 years later you hear the song again and the verses come without thinking, they just reappear as if by magic. Think of the benefit... with an operating system for the mind you could instantly search, find, and recall any memory, song, movie, book you've ever read/watched/listened to/lived and it would be there.

Games could become as real as the mind could portray them, hackers would simply be the people with the most mental strength or capacity, everyone would be trying to obtain the rainmain because he is the biggest file server in existence.

But with such advancement comes the problems with it, depending on the level of control the computer has on the person's mind, a hacker could steal an identity in entirety, they could steal your very personality. A virus released could devastate millions of minds, leaving large quantities of the earth's population as vegetables, the body survives but the mind is gone.

This was what I thought of today, and it kind of makes me excited to go outside because someday that farm ground may be gone, turned to a labyrinthine suburbia.

But as luck would have it, the operating system wouldn't work for me, I'd probably get an ADHD Error, a conflict error, trying to access too many random things at once.


Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.