Thursday, April 12, 2007

From where I'm sittin

Money bothers me.

It does.

I was sitting at my computer for hours last night looking the country over for my dream car, the 1984-1987 Corolla GT-S Hatchback. And it's agonizing. I found a couple of really clean ones, but by the time I have the money they'll be sold.

And it makes me really... uptight about money when stuff like that happens. I don't like not having enough. I don't like not being able to do what I want because I'm lacking.

I'll definitely have that much by the end of the summer, I've been crunching numbers for months while sitting in my classes about all the ways I can earn a little money. It seems so easy. But it's hardly that.

Money is fluid, it's earned almost as fast as it's lost.

I don't have very many liquid assets and that's a little disheartening. I wish there was more than there is.

But I'll try to be content. Today marks the beginning of my saving. My saving for multiple things. No more spending on frivolous things like fast food or DVDs. Just necessities.

And that is that.

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