Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Final Finals Day Tomorrow

Tomorrow is my last day of high school. I have 2 finals, Trig and AP English Performance final. And I have 3 assignments due in English tomorrow tomorrow that I have been procrastinating for a very long while on.

Finally renewed my license, it was only 12 days expired, and now I am forced to wear glasses while I drive, people ask me why I don't where my glasses all the time, well I'll tell you why, girls aren't as pretty, and I've accidentally sat on them, hit them, dropped them, and crushed them so many times they look like I tried to tie them into a knot.

Well I never really liked the people my age in Jerome, they just aren't interested in what I am, and when they are they are moronic about it. But as graduation nears I'm happy about never seeing all those guys again, and sad at the same time, even though I hate them, I know them, it's just a sad thing to know a person and come to the realization you'll most likely never see most of them again, whether it be because they are pothead-drunks and are gonna die on graduation night, or because they move away from Jerome thinkin it's the worst place in the world, which it really isn't ( if you don't mind gang-banger Mexicans) it's still definitely better than Buhl, and we aren't complete and utter morons like Twin Falls people, so I think I got the best of the 3 towns around...

Well Fox guys... pray for me on my finals tomorrow, maybe I might just be able to pull that 3.0 outa thin air, took half of my Trig final today, if I missed more than 2 I'll be shocked, it was simplicity...

Games I suddenly have a wicked craving for:
UT 2004 - Much better FPS than Halo and has some really wicked custom Assault maps online right now.
Impossible Creatures - Doesn't look like a hardcore RTS but it's incredibly addicting making your own animals to fight.
City of Heroes - It may be simple but its alotta fun to play (especially until you get to level 15)
Star Wars Galaxies - Probably the most involved MMORPG I have ever played, the graphics are amazing, the gameplay is astounding, and if you have never played I recommend you try it out now as the Combat Upgrade just came out about a month ago and the people who have been playing from launch are now more screwed up than a newcomer because of all the changes, older players who were set in their ways just got hosed.

Yeah well, gotta do some homework, so I'll talk to you fellers later.

1 comment:

simplyhaskell said...

i think you'd look sexy with glasses, hot stuff.

and i'm praying for you.