Sunday, August 14, 2005

The Breaking Off Part 1: Killing the already Dying Friendship

Koda called me today and wondered if I wanted to hang out before I took off for College, since he was gonna be going to Washington for the rest of the summer for a friend of our's brother's wedding.
So I agreed and I met up with him in Twin and we wandered for a bit, through Sam Goody, looked at the Anime and the T-Shirts and what not... Just basically killing time, and then we went to Mandarin House and ate and then we drove back to his car and went our separate ways.
And that was the end, may never see Koda again after I go to Oregon.

3 More days of chopping and then I'm done. Done with it all. Joe told me one of the crudest, most hilarious jokes I have ever heard, however as I know that religious affiliated people and Asians frequent my blog (By that I mean Haskell) I'll just keep it to myself until I can tell it in person.

Then I spend my last full week at home preparing to leave my home. Now whether I'm leaving for good is yet to be seen, but I hope its the former, I'd hate to be a failure and have to come home.

Been playing around with Google Earth a little bit... my Dad hijacked my computer for friggin 5 hours last night traveling around... looking at satellite photos of military bases... Google is like a terrorists best friend, I was looking at pretty high res photos of stealth jets take off and land at military bases all over the place...

Downloading like mad trying to amass entertainment for myself for the coming year, have about 6 series. I want another 5 or 6 more.

Time to sleep for now... Gotta get up again in the morning... bunch of crap right there.

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