Friday, August 12, 2005

Crude Movie = $7, greasy Skipper's Seafood = $5, Realizing you have $70 in change in your room... priceless

Rounded up all the loose change in my room (only the silver fancy ones, no cheap pennies for me.) Took it into a Coinstar... Made 70 bucks... I shoulda done that this morning and just skipped work today... I drove a truck in the wicked heat for 7 hours for that much...

I figure I prolly have another 40 or so dollars in pennies too... I'll have to take those over later.

Only drawback is now my room is devoid of shiny objects, the pennies don't have much luster...

So I have to work up until next Wednesday, then I spend the rest of the summer throwing away my useless belongings, breaking off contact with most people, all that good stuff.

Well Haskell, since you are the only person that reads this... How are you today? How was the move into the dorm? You and Polits spoonin' up a storm? It's all about stamina...

frick I'm bored... Hey did I ever tell you about that time I had friends? It's a short story but a good one...


InfoMan said...
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simplyhaskell said...

your funniest post to date. i love you bradley.

Newbergpicker1889 said...

Hey, I read your crap too.