Friday, March 31, 2006

I'm a hick. Yessir, I am.

So... I've spent the last week running around doing errands for my old man, drove for a few hours yesterday.

I can feel the rural seepin' back into my veins. But as much as I wanted to be home, I don't have it in me to stay put, I already wanna be back in my car driving away, not necessarily to be anywhere, just to get somewhere. It's raining outside, so no work today, fields are too wet and muddy, the trucks would get stuck trying to pull through 'em. (Though the trucks almost get stuck pullin through them when they're dry, that field is like a sand pit.)

I'm just sitting here, laptop sitting on the floor next to me, headphones on... listening to Tom Petty and Skynard.

I feel like I'm ready to head back, home was good for a bit, but now it's time to get back to Oregon.

I reaffirmed who I am, why I am the way I am. And now I can go back.

I was lucky that God made it rain, I stayed up way later than I should have because of some stuff going on. So I was really tired. But Fox has me ruined, unless I go to bed really late, I'll always wake up at least 3 times before 10. I can usually go back to sleep but... lately I haven't been able to.

Ok... well it's getting to the time of day where I should get up and do something.


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